理学学士学位,中国科技大学外语系 1993年9月—1997年7月
理学硕士学位,特拉华大学农业经济系(University of Delaware) 2001年9月—2004年1月
农业经济学博士学位,德克萨斯A&M大学(Texas A&M University) 2003年9月—2006年12月
讲师,特拉华大学(University of Delaware),2007年6月—2007年12月
博士后,田纳西大学(University of Tennessee) ,2008年1月—2008年8月
助理教授,亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University),2008年9月—2009年7月
6.董晓芳*、袁燕, 2013, 《企业创新、生命周期与聚集经济》,《经济学(季刊)》,第13卷第2期,第767-792页。
9.何青*、袁燕,2014, 《儿童时期的健康与营养状况对成年收入影响实证分析》,《经济评论》,2014年第2期,第52-64页。
11.周钦*、袁燕、臧文斌。2015,《医疗保险对中国城市和农村家庭资产结构选择的影响研究》,《经济学(季刊)》,2015年第14卷第3期,第 931-960页.
13.Awokuse, T.O., and Y. Yuan. 2006. “The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on U.S. Poultry Exports.” Agribusiness: An International Journal (SSCI, 2017 Impact Factor: 1.147). 22(2): 233–245.
14.Yuan, Y., R.M. Nayga Jr., and O. Capps, Jr. 2009. “Assessing the Demand for a Functional Food Product in the Orange Juice Category.” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. 38(2): 153–165.
15.Yen, S.T., Y. Yuan, and X. Liu. 2009.“Alcohol consumption by men in China: A non-Gaussian censored system approach.” China Economic Review(SSCI, 2017 Impact Factor: 1.800). 20(2): 162–173.
16.Yen, S.T., W.D. Shaw, and Y. Yuan. 2010. “Cigarette smoking and self-reported health in China” China Economic Review(SSCI, 2017 Impact Factor: 1.800). 21(4): 532–543.
17.Yuan, Y. and S.T. Yen. 2012. “Alcohol Consumption by Individuals in the US: a sample selection approach.” Applied Economics Letters (SSCI, 2017 Impact Factor: 0.504) 19: 1353–1358
18.Yuan, Y. and P. Gao*. 2012. “Farmers' Financial Choice and Informal Credit Markets in China.” China Agricultural Economic Review (SSCI, 2017 Impact Factor: 0.718) 4(2): 216–232.
19.Yuan, Y. , Z. Rong, R. Yang and L. Yang. 2015. “Instability of Migrant Labor Supply in China: Evidence from Source Areas for 1987-2008”. Eurasian Geography and Economics(SSCI, 2017 Impact Factor 1.107, Ranked first in Area Studies) 56(3): 231-259.
20.Sun, P. and Y. Yuan. 2015. “Industrial Agglomeration and Environmental Degradation: Empirical evidence with Chinese cities”. Pacific Economic Review(SSCI, 2017 Impact Factor 0.516) 20(4): 544-568.
21.Yuan, Y. and L. Xu*. 2015. “Are Poor Able to Access the Informal Credit Market? Evidence from Rural Households in China.” China Economic Review (SSCI, 2017 Impact Factor 1.80) 33(April), 232-246.
22.Zhou Q. *, K Basu and Y. Yuan. 2016. “Does Health Insurance Coverage Influence Household Financial Portfolios? A Case Study in Urban China.” Frontiers of Economics in China, 12(1): 94-112.
23.Yuan, Y. , Z. Rong, Y. Yang and L. Yang. Instability of Migrant Labor Supply in China. In Li, S., S. He, and K.W. Chan, eds. Changing China: Migration, Communities and Governance in Cities, Chapter 2. Routledge, 2016.
24.Zhou Q. *, Q. He * and Y. Yuan. 2017. “Do Residential Housing Crowd Out or Promote Households’ Stock Investment? Evidence from China.” Emerging Market Finance and Trade (SSCI, 2017 Impact Factor 0.828),53(8): 1869-1889.
2007年获美国食品协会(Food Distribution Research Society)最佳博士论文奖(Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation William Applebaum Scholarship Award).
2015年获China Economic Review杰出审稿人(Outstanding reviewer)。
2015年度获China Economic Review最佳论文奖(“Are Poor Able to Access the Informal Credit Market? Evidence from Rural Households in China”,与徐丽鹤合著)。
2015年获《经济学(季刊)》2013-2014年Werner Jackstädt博士中国经济和商业研究最佳论文奖提名(《企业创新、生命周期与聚集经济》,与董晓芳合著)。